We make substrate at our site for our own consumption. The raw material for substrate is sourced from local area. Making substrate for mushroom is a complex process and require specific equipment/facility to process.
Substrate making is done by our team of specialist who have been perfecting the process through many years of their experience.
Substrate is a growth medium from which mushroom can derive essential nutrients necessary for growth. Substrate is made using suitable agricultural waste materials. Mushroom requires carbon compounds, nitrogen and other essential elements, such as phosphorous, sulphur, potassium , iron and vitamins such as thiamine, biotin, etc. which generally come from substrate.
For the growing process, we fill shelves of growing room with spawned substrate, then topping with layer of peat at suitable time. Our growing rooms are equipped with automated climate control mechanism to ensure high quality product.
Our Team of specialist, carefully monitor and control the condition inside growing room in different phases of growth to create perfect environment.
Mushroom is raised in protected growing rooms with simulated condition and environment. It includes the temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration, air speed over substrate beds, air changes in the room and other such factors. Over and above, moisture content of substrate, substrate thickness in a bag, casing thickness, hygiene/ pest management etc. are key factors which directly influence mushroom quality and productivity.
We handpick mushrooms with one touch till it is placed in punnet. The pack of punnet is quickly cooled to contain its freshness.
Picking is highly skilled job, therefore all our harvesters go through extensive training to ensure quality.
The packaging of harvested mushroom is done in our packing room. The temperature of packing room is regulated to contain freshness of the mushroom. The mushrooms are graded, packed and sealed in pack room. Process of inspection and quality check being followed by experts at various stages.
The packs of mushrooms are then sent in lorry for delivery to customer.